Creating ‘blue oil’
As hydrogen infrastructure has expanded over the last decade, a colorful terminology has developed to signify its source and overall environmental impact. However, more recently, these colors have been applied to other fuel production technologies.
Green – Produced without the consumption of fossil fuels using renewable resources (biofuels, solar, wind, hydro, etc.). Zero CO2 emissions from the production process.
Blue – Produced from fossil fuels, CO2 is captured for beneficial use and/or sequestration (CCUS). Zero CO2 emissions from the production process.
Grey – Produced from ‘light’ fossil fuels (methane), CO2 is emitted during production.
Brown – Produced from ‘heavy’ fossil fuels (coal), CO2 is emitted during production.
Our approach was to develop an environmental ‘blue’ liquid fuel production process. This unique oil production technology enables capture of all associated CO2 emissions for sequestration or beneficial use, resulting in zero carbon emissions. This includes direct process emissions, such as combustion, retorting, and carbonate decomposition, as well as all other supporting infrastructure, comprising power generation, mining equipment, and all other on-site heat and power.
This unique oil production technology enables capture of all associated CO2 emissions for sequestration or beneficial use.